Duo2400 – 2.4GHz A/V Diversity Receiver
A sensitive diversity receiver using NexWaveRF technology.
Supports 20 channels on the 2.4GHz band.
See latest Duo2400 stuff
The Duo2400 includes ImmersionRC’s NexWaveRF technology, increasing inter-brand compatibility, and providing clean video in even the harshest of RF conditions.
Dual, independent receivers greatly increase usable range
20 Channel support, ImmersionRC/FatShark/Airwave, Lawmate, International, USA
Exclusive high quality NexWaveRF receiver technology
Triple A/V output, for three viewing/recording devices
Simple button user interface, and remote control from the groundstation

Diversity may be used in several ways, all of which provide a better FPV experience.
- Use two patch antennas to cover a wider flight area.
- Use a patch, and an omni directional antenna to provide 360 degree coverage for landing approaches
- Use antennas with opposite circular polarization to ensure that stronger CP reflections are used
The Smart Receiver
The Duo2400 is the first in a line of ‘smart’ receivers, designed for single-cable, plug and play, integration with the ImmersionRC Antenna Tracker (v2) system. Power, Audio, Video, and a bidirectional data link, are all passed through a single Mini-Din connector, connected to the Antenna Tracker.

More range
Connect one ImmersionRC SpiroNET 2.4 GHz 13dBi Patch to get an even better range. Connect two to cover a large area, switching automatically between the two.
Retail Price ($USD): $149.00
Initial Release Date: Oct 2015
Dimensions: L=90mm x W=103mm x H=23mm
Weight: 180g
Sensitivity: better than -90dBm
RF Impedance: 50 ohms
Frequency, Band 1: 2410, 2430, 2450, 2470, 2370, 2390, 2490, 2510MHz
Frequency, Band 2: 2414, 2432, 2450, 2468MHz
Frequency, Band 3: 2370, 2396, 2410, 2430MHz
Frequency, Band 4: 2396, 2396, 2410, 2430MHz
Audio: Stereo, Subcarriers on 6.0, and 6.5MHz
Modulation: FM, Audio and Video
Video Impedance: 75 ohms
Alarm: Low Battery, Programmable
Power Requirements: 6-13v
Power Consumption: ~300mA
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