Duo5800 – 5.8GHz A/V Diversity Receiver
A sensitive diversity receiver using NexWaveRF technology.
Supports 40 channels on the 5.8GHz band.
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The Duo5800 includes ImmersionRC’s NexWaveRF technology, increasing inter-brand compatibility, and providing clean video in even the harshest of RF conditions.
Dual, independent receivers greatly increase usable range
40 Channel support, RaceBand, ImmersionRC/FatShark/Airwave, Boscam
Exclusive high quality NexWaveRF receiver technology
Triple A/V output, for three viewing/recording devices
Single-button user interface, and remote control from the groundstation
~1km range with 25mW CE-Legal transmitters

Diversity may be used in several ways, all of which provide a better FPV experience.
- Use two patch antennas to cover a wider flight area.
- Use a patch, and an omni directional antenna to provide 360 degree coverage for landing approaches
- Use antennas with opposite circular polarization to ensure that stronger CP reflections are used
40 Channel Support
Version 4.1 of the Duo5800 introduces 40 channel support. Five bands are fully supported, including the standard ‘Airwave’ band used for all ImmersionRC and FatShark 5.8GHz transmitters to date.
All other common 5.8GHz FPV frequencies are also fully supported, including Boscam, Team Black Sheep, DJI, etc.

Filtered Inputs
To eliminate the range-reducing effects of co-located UHF, or 2.4GHz uplinks, the Duo5800 is equipped with two high-performance RF filters, one on each of it’s independent receiver inputs.
The Smart Receiver
The Duo5800 is the first in a line of ‘smart’ receivers, designed for single-cable, plug and play, integration with the ImmersionRC Antenna Tracker (v2) system. Power, Audio, Video, and a bidirectional data link, are all passed through a single Mini-Din connector, connected to the Antenna Tracker.

A Patch Above
Directly connect one of the Duo5800’s SMA inputs to an ImmersionRC 5.8GHz, 13dBi patch antenna for a serious range boost. Connect two of them to cover a larger area, with automatic switching between the two.
Install the Duo, and it’s antennas on an antenna tracker to follow a model around the sky. The 13dBi patch provides at least a factor of 4 increase in range, even for license-free 25mW Transmitters.
Essential Specs, User Manuals, Firmware & Downloads
Retail Price ($USD): $149.00
Initial Release Date: Oct 2014
Dimensions: L=88mm x W=105mm x H=25mm
Weight: 202g
Sensitivity: better than -90dBm
RF Impedance: 50 ohms
Frequency, Band 1: 5740, 5760, 5780, 5800, 5820, 5840, 5860MHz
Frequency, Band 2: 5685, 5695, 5732, 5769, 5806, 5843, 5880, 5917MHz
Frequency, Band 3: 5705, 5685, 5665, 5645, 5885, 5905, 5925, 5945MHz
Frequency, Band 4: 5733, 5752, 5771, 5790, 5809, 5828, 5847, 5866MHz
Frequency, Band 5: 5865, 5845, 5825, 5805, 5785, 5765, 5745, 5725MHz
Audio: Stereo, Subcarriers on 6.0, and 6.5MHz
Modulation: FM, Audio and Video
Video Impedance: 75 ohms
Alarm: Low Battery, Programmable
Power Requirements: 6-13v
Power Consumption: ~300mA
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(Unofficial – Full & final testing may not have been carried out on beta release firmware, use with caution!)
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