Vortex 180 Mini Racing Quadcopter

No longer available

Start with the best ARF 150-sized quad, and turbo-charge it!

The big brother of the popular Vortex 150, tuned for the track.

The same highly-customized race-drone electronics, but with 4″ props, and custom XNova 1407-3500kV motors.

The 150 was a lot of fun in confined spaces. The 180 is more at home on the track, incredibly fast and nimble, turns on a dime, and can give most 250-sized quads a run for their money.

 As with all members of the Vortex family, fully integrated flight controller, video transmitter, and of course a full-graphic OSD for PC-free configuration.

$319 USD (ARF)
180-sized Race-Quad *
Twin ‘F3’ Processors (Flight Control, and OSD)
3rd Gen 16A EzESCs, With OneShot125/42 support
Fusion of 3k weave Carbon Fibre and molded, tough plastic
 Direct connection to PPM, Spektrum, S-Bus, XBus receivers
4s 500mAh – 750mAh battery recommended
 Sub 270 gram configuration with 500mAh pack
  • 182mm to be precise

Fun-Factor Overload

Coming in below 270 gram the Vortex 180 is not considered a ‘drone’ in many parts of the world. This allows the Vortex 180 Mini to be flown in many more places than its big brother the Vortex 250 Pro.

Doors are opened to fly in a typical garden, or small park. A swing-set becomes a perfect power-loop target and garden furniture becomes a race gate, a new world of possibilities has just been opened up!

Synergy FC+vTx on weighing scales

Fusion2 + Tramp = Synergy

The new ImmersionRC ‘Synergy’ flight controller integrates a full-graphic OSD and an onboard video transmitter based on the new Tramp HV design.
Twin F3 processors ensure an 8kHz loop time and full support of BetaFlight 3.x.
Factory calibrated power levels from 1mW -> 600mW, glitch-free channel changing, and a micro-power pit-mode ensure that the Vortex 180 will receive a warm welcome at any race event.

The Synergy weighs in at a mere 6.41g, vs. the Fusion Gen2’s 10g, the latter without a video transmitter!

Integrated Leading-edge 5.8GHz Video Tx

The fully integrated ‘Tramp’ video transmitter has all the bells and whistles. Support for all standard FPV channels and power levels from sub-1mW to >600mW.

Dynamic Power Control, introduced with the Vortex 250 Pro, is taken to a new level, pre-take-off power level may be dropped to sub-1mW while waiting on the starting grid, saving precious battery power, and keeping temperatures low.

After a crash landing the power level is dropped to a minimum to preserve battery life during the search and to help with localization using a directional antenna.

Synergy Flight Controller + Tramp vTx photo

Integrated Touch’n’Race

A TNR (NFC) antenna integrated into the side of the quad provides full support for the ImmersionRC Personal and Race Director’s wand. The latter enables additional channels for events with special spectrum use permissions.

Setting your video transmitter frequency and power without touching the quad, greatly simplifying casual and race channel setup. No fiddly dip switches, no push-buttons and key-press sequences to remember and no guesswork.

DSMX Video Transmitter Control

Another first in the FPV world, ImmersionRC has teamed up with Horizon Hobbies to integrate video transmitter control into certain Spektrum(tm) radios.

Quads using this feature power up safely in pit-mode, and after finding a free channel on the video goggles, the menu on the Spektrum radio may be used to select frequency band, channel, and power level.

Spektrum DSMX Transmitter vTx Setup menu
PitStick transmitter channel positions

PitStick Mode for Simple Channel Changing

When placed in this mode, the Vortex 150 Mini will power up with the video transmitter disabled, and will only start transmitting when instructed to by a the R/C transmitter.

For mode 2 pilots, the right stick is used to select channels 1..8 using the extremes of stick movement. Up for CH1, Up-Right for CH2, etc.

Lights! Music! Action!!!

Ok, there is no music, we’ll leave that to the post-processing, but there are lights, and plenty of action!

A set of RGB LEDs sit on the tail of the Vortex Mini shine through a light-pipe diffuser, ensuring visibility from a wide angle.

Since Airgonay’s now-famous ‘Star Wars’ video, rear lights on mini-quads have become not a ‘nice to have’, but a ‘no fun without ‘m’.

Vortex 150 Mini LEDs
Vortex 150 Mini 16A ESCs, panelized board

‘Gen3’ 32-bit, 16-20A ESCs, with OneShot42 and 125 

Custom 16-20A ESCs supporting all of the common standards provide regenerative braking, for crisp-responsive flight using CleanFlight, or BetaFlight. A 32-bit ARM processor runs each ESC, ensuring plenty of processing power to drive even the most fussy brushless motors.

These third-generation ESCs include advanced de-sync detection critical for use with tiny brushless motors running at high rpms.

Of course no ImmersionRC ESC would be complete without our innovative rotorSENSE, which programs prop direction with the flick of a finger. No more swapping motor wires.

Full Graphic OSD, with EzOSD pedigree

An on-board full-graphic OSD provides in-flight updates of critical parameters and sports a menu which allows all options to be programmed in the field using the R/C Tx and a set of goggles, or, alternatively, an LCD screen.

A real-time interface with the flight controller enables artificial horizons, F-18 style displays and exchange of critical flight parameters.

Automatic warnings for battery capacity, voltage, and remaining flight time keep the pilot updated before batteries are exhausted.

Vortex 150 Mini OSD screen

Seven! 32-bit ARM processors

There are not many quads out there with that claim to fame, especially not in the 150mm class… the Vortex 150 Mini, like its 250 and 285 sized big-brothers sports no less than seven 32-bit ARM processors, all working together for maximum fun-factor and reliability.

A dedicated ARM for the flight controller, another for the full-graphic OSD, a third one to drive the RGB LEDs and support the TNR functionality, and finally four high performance ARMs for the custom ESCs.

Custom OSD Layouts

Several OSD layouts are included in the package:

  • A classical EzOSD-type layout, with all critical parameters available on-screen.
  • A Heads-Up display which would be more at home in a fighter-jet, with artificial horizon and altitude indicator.
  • A Race layout, with just the critical parameters, tucked around the edges of the display.

All OSD layouts include screen-center alerts for critical warnings, such as battery voltage, EzUHF Link Critical, etc.

Pimp It!

The Vortex 285 and 250 were the first race quads supported by a large array of ‘pimp kits’, enabling users to customize their quad. The 150 and 180 Minis continue this trend, and greatly simplifies their installation, no soldering-iron required!
An array of translucent colors are available, along with the old favorites, hot pink, black (FliteTest Edition), and white.

Physical meets Virtual

ImmersionRC’s FPV Racing Simulator, LiftOff, has been used by many pilots to develop their skills without breaking a single prop.

Since its introduction the simulator has steadily increased it’s feature set, now including all of the Vortex airframes, many race environments (including the famous Dubai World Drone Prix circuit), and recently a fantastic multi-player mode.

Race against other pilots in multiplayer mode, create tracks with the track builder, and download tracks built by the community.

The Vortex 150/180 Mini have joined their 285 and 250 brothers in this simulator.

Vortex 250 vs. 150 vs. 180-Mini Comparison

The Vortex 150 and 180 Mini share many components with their big brother, the Vortex 250.

The following table demonstrates the differences:

ModelVortex 250-ProVortex 150-MiniVortex 180-Mini
Size (diagonal)250mm (275mm option for 6" Props)155mm180mm
Frame2mm CF, with 15x Aluminium Standoffs2mm CF, with Aluminium Standoffs2mm CF, with Aluminium Standoffs
MotorsCustom 2204-2300kV, 3mm ShaftCustom 1306-3100kV, 2mm Shaft
Custom XNova 1407-3500
ESC20/22A EzESC Gen216/20A EzESC Gen316/20A EzESC Gen3
ESC FeaturesOneShot125, rotorSENSE OneShot125, OneShot42, MultiShot, rotorSENSE OneShot125, OneShot42, MultiShot, rotorSENSE
Flight ControllerSTM32F303 based ('F3')STM32F303 based ('F3')STM32F303 based ('F3')
Gyroi2c Gyro, 1kHz max.SPI Gyro, for 8kHz loop speedsSPI Gyro, for 8kHz loop speeds
OSDFull GraphicFull GraphicFull Graphic
Touch'n'RaceOptional (with Tramp)IntegratedIntegrated
Video Tx Power25mW, 350mW modules1mW - >600mW variable1mW - >600mW variable
Pit ModeNot SupportedFull SupportFull Support
Glitch Free Channel ChangeNot SupportedFull SupportFull Support
Arms4mm Flat CF2mm Flat CF/Plastic Hybrid2mm Flat CF/Plastic Hybrid
BlackBox2MB IncludedOptional ExtraOptional Extra
Rx SupportNative CPPM, S-Bus, Spektrum, XBus, SumD, SumHNative CPPM, S-Bus, Spektrum, XBus, SumD, SumHNative CPPM, S-Bus, Spektrum, XBus, SumD, SumH
Rx SelectionFully AutomaticFully AutomaticFully Automatic
Internal Rx Support-SPM9645 (DSMX), SPM4648 (DSMX). XSR (FrSky), X4R-SB (FrSky, depinned) (1)SPM9645 (DSMX), SPM4648 (DSMX). XSR (FrSky), X4R-SB (FrSky, depinned) (1)
Rx InstallationExternalInternalInternal
CaseFoam or Zipper case options at order timeFoam CaseFoam Case
Camera MountGoPro 3/4, mount includedHD Support availableHD Support available
USB PortYesYesYes
LED Boardv2Integrated into PDBIntegrated into PDB
Lost Model BeeperYes
StandoffsMetal (all of them)Metal (all of them)Metal (all of them)
FlightCam700TVL CMOS v2FatShark 600TVL CCD (HS1177 sensor + chipset)FatShark 600TVL CCD (HS1177 sensor + chipset)
Weight~415g without battery<249.99g w/500mAh pack<269.99g w/500mAh pack

(1) Any similarly sized receiver will fit in the 150’s Internal Rx Bay, larger receivers can fit outside.


Essential Specs, User Manuals, Firmware & Downloads


Weight: < 270 grams with 500mAh 4s pack
Power Requirements: 3s-4s LiPo, 4s 750mAh >45C recommended
ESCs: Full Custom, 16A cont. 20A peak, rotorSENSE, OneShot125, OneShot42
Motors: Custom XNova 1407-3500kV
Props: HQ 4″ bi-Blades
Flight Camera: FatShark CCD (HS1177 Sensor & Chipset)
Receiver Compatibility: CPPM, S-Bus, Spektrum™, XBus, SumH, SumD (no external adapters required) (Auto-Sense!)
Flight Time: Highly dependent upon battery, and flying style, 3-4 mins typical
Note: Compatible receiver and display device required for initial setup and use, not included.



(Unofficial – Full & final testing may not have been carried out on beta release firmware, use with caution!)

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